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Cholesterol-HDL-C ratio related to risk factors

Uncategorized | July 25, 2016

 Evidence-based formulas relating long-term diet, exercise, tobacco use, body mass index, and gender to total cholesterol / high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio   David K. Cundiff, MD   Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center (Retired)   Correspondence to dkcundiff@whistleblowerdoctor.org     Abstract Background The precise quantification of how diet, exercise, tobacco use, body mass […]

Excel worksheets for nutrient profiles of food commodities

Uncategorized | May 12, 2016

Butter Nutrients Cereals Nutrients Cheese Nutrients Cream Nutrients Eggs Nutrients2 Fish Nutrients Fruits Nutrients Milk Nutrients Mutton Nutrients Oil By-products Nutrients Pork Nutrients Poultry Nutrients Pulses-legumes Nutrients Starchy roots Nutrients Sweets Nutrients Treenuts Nutrients Vegetable oilsNutrients Vegetables Nutrients

Attributable risk calculations

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Attributable risk calculations A B C D E F CVD15_64 risk factors sum risks R2 overall D/C B * E Alcohol 0.00920 1.0465 0.49 0.00470 Vitamin K2 0.17010 0.08681 Tobacco use 0.16812 0.08580 SBP 0.22036 0.11246 GDP 0.18744 0.09566 Air pollution 0.22389 0.11426 0.97911 0.49970 Expressed as % 97.911 49.97 0.51 CVD15_64 percapita GDP>$15k risk […]

Supplementary Table 6. Formulas for imputing absent variables

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Supplementary Table 6. Formulas for imputing absent values for variables. Variable Formula for imputing absent data Insufficient physical activity = (sugar * 0.04138+ diabetes prevalence * 0.31316 + gender (female =1, male=0) * 7.9339 – Air Pollution (outdoor and indoor) * 0.10401) * 1.7 + 8.5   Tobacco use = ((– gender (female =1, male=0) […]

Supplementary Table 5. More nutrients

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Supplementary Table 5. Trans fatty acids (g percapita/day available), alcohol consumed g/day (female and male) and vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 (µg /day percapita available) Country Trans fatty acids  (g/day available) Alcohol (g consumed/day (males) Alcohol (g consumed/day (females) Vitamin K1 (µg /day available) Vitamin K2 (µg/day available) Afghanistan 0.57 1.2 0.1 64.98 5.54 Albania […]

Supplementary Table 4. Macronutrients available in countries

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Supplementary Table 4. Macronutrients available in countries Country Energy (kcal/ day) Protein (g) Carbo-hydrates (g) Dietary fiber (g) Total fats (g) Saturated fatty acids (g) Mono-unsatura-ted fatty acids (g) Poly-unsatura-ted fatty acids (g) Afghanistan 1941 64.2 344 25.2 35.2 11.0 11.9 8.9 Albania 2778 105.0 423 33.9 74.2 26.1 26.4 17.1 Algeria 2920 87.0 471 […]

Vitamin K and risk factors for CVD: Data for reviewers

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Supplementary Table 1. Plant-based food groups—kcals/day available percapita Supplementary Table 2. Animal-based food groups—kcals/day available per capita Supplementary Table 3. Template for conversions of food group data (per 100 g portion) into nutrient profiles Supplementary Table 4. Macronutrients available in countries Supplementary Table 5. More nutrients Supplementary Table 6. Formulas for imputing absent values for […]

Supplementary Table 3. Template for conversions of food groups to nutrients

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Supplementary Table 3. Template for conversions of food group data (per 100 g portion) into nutrient profiles Food Com-modity Kcals /100g Pro-tein g Carbo-hyd-rates g Fiber g /1000 kcal Total fat g Sat-urated fat g Mono-unsat urated fat g PUFA g Trans fatsg Vitamin K1 µg Vitamin K2 µg Cereals 313 9.18 63.97 4.38 2.15 […]

Supplementary Table 2. Animal-based food groups—kcals/day available per capita

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Supplementary Table 2. Animal-based food groups—kcals/day available per capita Country Beef Butter Cheese Cream Eggs Milk Mut-ton Pork Poul-try Sea-food Offal All animal Afghanistan 33 23 10 0 3 94 51 0 5 0 7 237 Albania 54 20 44 0 19 423 29 48 40 6 11 692 Algeria 20 17 3 0 16 […]

Supplementary Table 1. Plant-based food groups—kcals/day available percapita

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Supplementary Table 1. Plant-based food groups—kcal/day available percapita Country Cereal Starch Sugars Pulses Tree nuts Oil by-products Vege-table oils Vege-tables kcal/ day Fruit and juices kcal/ day All plant foods kcal/ day kcal/ day kcal/ day kcal/ day kcal/ day kcal/ day kcal/ day kcal/ day Afghanistan 1472 22 50 21 11 12 68 19 […]

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